Posts tagged anxiety
Deconstructing Anxiety

Each of us wants to live a fulfilled life. We come out of the womb generally expecting to do so. But somewhere along the way, usually starting in childhood, we surrender our goal bit-by-bit to the dictates of fear and anxiety. It may creep up on us slowly, but the sense of “Possibility” where we can spread “wide our narrow Hands / To gather Paradise”, as Emily Dickinson so beautifully described, seems to get progressively buried over the course of our lifetimes. We are, as a culture, profoundly mired in the ways of fear; our collective consciousness seems to have lost its soul.

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Grounding Yourself In A World Full Of Chaos

If anxiety, panic attacks and stress are a part of your life, you need to learn how to practice mindfulness. Anxiety comes in different forms. Most of us will have some mild anxiety occasionally during our lives. However, when it becomes so severe that you cannot function normally, you need to get help.

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