Posts tagged relationships
Opposites Attract But Compatibility Lasts Forever

As people, we do need other people, but let’s face it, relating to others is complicated. Most people seek companionship in their lives. Compatibility is essential to achieving a satisfying relationship and satisfying life. It is a challenge that most people find extremely difficult to achieve. How important is it to you to find a companion, soul mate, and lover? How can you really know who a person is? Even after you have met and developed a relationship, how well do you know them?

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Becoming The Amazing Person Everybody Wants To Have In Their Life

How do you think you are doing in life? Students get report cards in school and employees get an annual evaluation but what about your personal life? Do you get regular valuable feedback from important people in your life about how you are doing regarding your relationship with them and others around you? Most likely not. What if you asked your friends or a family member who you trust and respect to do an evaluation about you? Are you up for the challenge? It’s a great personal development tool if everyone is honest and the recipient promises to take constructive criticism well.

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Don’t Depend On Another Person To Make You Happy

So, you are longing for a committed relationship. You are not alone. Everyone wants and needs love in their life. Just remember one thing: “The grass is always greener on the other side until you get there.”

Fact is that you have to be happy and love yourself before you can make anyone else happy. Become independent on all levels, including financially. No one wants to be with a person who suffocates them or clings to them constantly or depends on them.

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